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Chase CamBongDa Systems (also known as Dog Chase Betting)

You are likely to lose your shirt if you chase down your losses if you’re a seasoned sports gambler. You need to forget all the nonsensical talk and realize that losing your losses is the best way to make money. Three things are necessary to make money with a chase betting strategy:

1. A good bankroll or account balance
2. A Plan
3. Strong stomach to execute the plan

According to an old saying, whoever chases his losses will end up with his bankroll. This is true if you don’t have a plan, a strong stomach, and a decent financial portfolio. Let me explain. This old saying comes from the gambler who wagers $100 on Team 1 winning today. Tomorrow, Team 1 loses. The gambler then bets $200 on Team 2, as he believes he cannot lose twice in one row and Team 2 is a certain thing. He loses to Team 2, then on Day 3 he wagers $200 on Team 3 to win. His bankroll crashes within three days. This old saying is true for this gambler, but not for you.

A chase system employs simple math to make sure you never lose money. You must ensure that you only bet the right amount and have the courage to stick with the program. It doesn’t matter what sport you bet on or whether you are following a particular team or an entire sport, the system is simple to follow. AFSB conducted a 2007 study on the NHL chase system, focusing specifically on the Montreal Canadians. The system worked as follows: $25.00 was placed on Montreal on day 1. If Montreal loses, $50.00 was placed on Montreal. If Montreal wins again, $100.00 was placed on Montreal. If Montreal loses that game, $200.00 was placed on Montreal. This cycle continues until Montreal wins, or you run out. The system resets after Montreal wins. If Montreal loses, $50 is bet against Montreal. However, if Montreal wins, $25 is bet upon Montreal.

This simple system earned us $1,210.00 during the NBA Playoffs 2007 (see our article on Absolutely Free CamBongDa about the NBA Dog-Chase System). This system was again used in the 2008 MLB playoffs, where we earned a nice $1373.00.

This system will be used in a more general manner during the NCAA Basketball season 2010. One Favorite-Chase is being played, and there’s one Dog-Chase. To see details about the NCAA Basketball Chase System 2010, click on the Free Picks link.

To ensure your account doesn’t go bust, we recommend only betting 1/4 of what you normally gamble with per game. If you were to wager $100 per game, you would only need $25.00 per game under a chase system. This is why:

The chase system is built on the principle that you shouldn’t be able incorrectly handicap a game seven days in succession. If you bet $100.00 per chase event and you’re wrong seven times, you’ll bet $6,400.00 ($100, $200. $400. $800. $1,600. $3,200. $6,400). You should only bet 1/4 the usual amount. In our examples, 1/4 is $25.00 per event ($25-50, $100, $200; $400, $800 and $1,600).

Let’s look at the power of Chase. Let’s take an example of a gambler who wagers on 14 games (1 per hour, over a 14-day period). This gambler loses 8 and wins 6 times. The example below shows what happens if he bets $100.00 each game at a normal rate of -110 per round. The same gambler has the same results in Example 2, but he wagers $25.00 using a Chase system.

Example 1 – Sports Gambler wins 6 bets, loses 8, and then wins 8
betting $100.00 per game, one game per day
Game 1: The Winner, $91.00
Game 2: The Winner, $91.00
Game 3: Loss -$100.00
Game 4: Loss -$100.00
Game 5: Loss -$100.00
Game 6: Winner $91.00
Game 7: Loss -$100.00
Game 8: Loss -$100.00
Game 9: The Winner $91.00
Game10: Loss -$100.00
Game 11: Winner $91.00
Game 12: Loss -$100.00
Game 13: Loss -$100.00
Game 14: The Winner $91.00

The gambler was 6-8 years old and had a loss of $254.00 in two weeks.

Example 2 – Sports Gambler who wins 6 and loses 8.
Bet $25.00 per game (with chase regulations), one game per night
Game 1: 25 is a bet and wins $23.00. So in the next game:
Game 2: 25 is a bet and wins $23.00.
Game 3: 25 is a bet and loss -$25.00 so in the next:
Game 4: Loss and Bet: 50, then in the next game:
Game 5: $100 bet, Loss -$100.00 so in the next:
Game 6: $200 bet and wins +$182.00 so in the next:
Game 7: $25 bet and loss -$25.00 so in the next:
Game 8: 50 is the bet, Loss -$50.00. So in the next game:
Game 9: $100 is placed and wins $91.00.
Game10: $25 bet and loss -$25.00 so in the next:
Game 11: $50 is placed and wins $45.00.
Game 12: $25 bet and loss -$25.00 so in the next:
Game 13: 50 is the bet, Loss -$50.00. So in the next game:
Game 14: $100 is a bet and wins $91.00

This gambler is 6-8 years old and won $105.00 in a period of two weeks with a losing record.

You can obviously use this system however you like. Here are some options:

(1) Specific to a team. This system was used only for Montreal in 2007. We doubled the amount if Montreal loses, and if they win, we went back to the starting point.

(2) Position specific: We are playing two dogs and one favorite in NCAA Basketball 2010. If the dog loses, we double up on another dog the next day. If the dog wins, we go back to our original point. The same applies to our favorite system.

(3) A position specific within a series. In the 2007 NBA playoffs, we played on the dog during a series. Thus, the dog could have been Team 1 in game 1. The dog could be Team 2, but Team 2 could be the one in game 2. No matter who we were playing on the previous game, we all played on the dog.

Be aware that you may find yourself betting more than you have ever wagered on one game. However, once this game hits, your profits will skyrocket. Don’t bet more than your usual unit. Bet 1/4 of the amount.

You don’t have to be skeptical. Read our article on NBA Dog-Chase, view our results for the 2008 MLB Playoffs or click on the link below to see how the system works in 2010. You will soon be hooked once you see the benefits.

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